
Since 2024, FreeGrabApp has received numerous negative reviews on rating platforms like Trustpilot, with users complaining that it can no longer download Netflix videos. Furthermore, the developers have not released any updates to fix these issues.
FreeGrabApp Netflix Downloader Not Working
因此,在开发人员解决下载问题之前,我们不建议使用 FreeGrabApp。在此期间,您可能想尝试更可靠的替代方案,例如 MovPilot Netflix 视频下载器,可以毫无问题地下载任何 Netflix 视频。

FreeGrabApp Netflix 下载器是 最佳 Netflix 视频下载器,其官方网站上的平均评分为 4.8/5,令人赞叹。这个分数引发了一个问题:这个评分可信吗?根据我的测试,深入研究这篇评论,全面了解 FreeGrabApp Netflix Downloader。如果您正在考虑使用此工具,这篇详细的评论将帮助您确定它是否符合您的实际要求。

FreeGrabApp Netflix 下载器官方页面

FreeGrabApp Netflix 下载器功能评测

在下一部分中,我将对 FreeGrabApp Netflix 下载器进行深入评测。根据我自己的用户体验,我将介绍电影搜索、下载质量、格式、音频和字幕等各个方面。如果您正在考虑投资此应用的价值,请继续阅读以获取有价值的见解。


与众多下载器一样,它支持用户将 Netflix 视频链接复制粘贴到软件中进行下载。不过,与一些 最佳流媒体视频下载器但它缺乏集成搜索引擎。这意味着用户需要登录 Netflix 帐户才能在应用内直接按名称搜索视频。如果你想同时下载多集,这会很不方便。

FreeGrabApp Netflix 下载器界面


关于视频和音频质量,该应用提供三个选项:高质量、默认和最小尺寸。单击特定视频的“设置”图标可调整这些设置。FreeGrabApp Netflix Downloader 支持 高达 1080P 画质.

对于视频格式,该应用程序可帮助您 下载 Netflix 电影到 MP4 默认情况下,没有其他格式选择,例如 MKV。如果您需要其他格式(例如 MKV),则必须使用其他第三方工具进行转换。


此应用提供超快的链接转换速度,可快速下载。它支持批量下载,最多可保存 10 个视频或完整系列。但是,批量下载功能需要订阅。此外,请小心,因为同时下载三个以上的视频可能会导致崩溃,这是一个重大缺点。

FreeGrabApp 最大活跃下载量




是的。该软件提供两种保存字幕的格式,一种是原始格式,另一种是 SRT 格式,但后者需要会员才能解锁。此外,它还为您提供了数十种可选的字幕语言,包括中文、英语、意大利语、德语、日语等。

FreeGrabApp Netflix 下载器真的免费吗?

虽然 FreeGrabApp Netflix Downloader 自称是一款免费的 Netflix 下载器,但它的免费版本有几个限制。例如,一次只能下载一个视频,不提供 SRT 字幕,并且下载仅限于视频的前 3 分钟。

要解锁所有功能,您需要高级版本,价格为 $9.99/年。 点击“立即购买”即可找到订阅计划。一个新颖的想法是提供一年免费密钥,以换取对该应用程序的客观反馈。检查要求并贡献评论,以获得免费访问 FreeGrabApp 的机会。

reeGrab Netflix 下载器限制


We encountered some problems testing Freegrab. After contacting their customer service to no avail, we went on Trustpilot to see what other people were experiencing. We found that quite a few people were experiencing the same thing we were.

Netflix Downloads Not Working

Since 2024, so many users are complaining FreeGrabApp is not working with Netflix video downloading. Till now, FreeGrab official hasn't release an update to fix the issue.

评论称 FreeGrabApp 无法使用

评论称 FreeGrabApp 无法使用

Didn't Receive License After Purchase


评论称不要订阅 FreeGrabApp

Subscription Cancelled for No Reason

A user from the US reported that his/her FreeGrabApp Premium Pass was cancelled by the supplier's end for no reason and there's no way to get refund. What a pity! So it's best if you don't try to subscribe FreeGrabApp for now.


Alternatives to FreeGrabApp Netflix Downloader

Since FreeGrabApp sucks now, we do not recommend you to use FreeGrabApp to download Netflix videos. Here we will introduce 2 workable alternatives to it.

1. MovPilot Netflix Video Downloader

Personally, I find FreeGrabApp disappointing due to its lack of features like batch downloads, SRT subtitles, and complete movie downloads. It also lacks a built-in search engine, requiring manual link copying, which complicates the process. Moreover, issues like failed downloads, unsuccessful subscriptions, and difficulty obtaining refunds have been reported, further undermining its reliability.

In contrast, my experience with MovPilot Netflix 视频下载器 has been far more positive. It provides a high-performance, reliable solution, without the technical problems or service issues of FreeGrabApp. MovPilot also simplifies the process by allowing direct name-based searches within Netflix after logging in, making it a smoother, more dependable option.

在 MovPilot 中搜索 Netflix 电影

同样,MovPilot 支持 1080P 视频质量 并包括 MP4/MKV 格式 option. It excels in batch downloading multiple videos and TV series episodes concurrently for swift Netflix video acquisition. MovPilot Netflix Video Downloader offers hard, embedded, and external (SRT) subtitle formats. In Settings, you can also personalize audio and subtitle languages.

MovPilot Netflix 视频下载器设置

2. FlixGrab+ Netflix Downloader

It's an interesting situation with Netflix downloaders. There's a tool called FlixGrab+ that successfully downloads Netflix videos, while FreeGrabApp's original product, FlixGrab, which also includes Netflix downloading functionality, has stopped working.

FlixGrab+ Netflix 下载器

This scenario is reminiscent of a "real vs. counterfeit" situation, where FlixGrab (the original product) is struggling, while FlixGrab+ (a seemingly similar or related tool) continues to function as expected. It's as if users are encountering two versions of the same product, one genuine but failing, and the other unexpectedly working as a viable alternative.


总而言之,许多所谓的免费 Netflix 下载器都需要会员资格才能完全访问,例如 FreeGrabApp。在订阅之前,请评估它是否值得投资,并选择高性能选项以避免浪费开支。

MovPilot Netflix 视频下载器 是首选。其多功能功能可实现无缝高清视频抓取和无崩溃批量下载。借助集成的搜索引擎,电影搜索可轻松获得精确结果。

MovPilot Netflix 视频下载器

下载 Netflix 电影和节目,轻松离线观看!
